Thursday 19 November 2015

Questionnaire Plan

1) What is your Age?
- 12-16
- 17-21
- 22-26
- 30-34
- 35-39
-  40+

2) What is your Gender?
- Male
- Female
- Other

3) Which of these weapons do you find most intimidating?
- Swords
- Knives
- Guns
- Bombs (C4)
- Grenades
- Bow/Arrow
- Axe
- Crossbow

4) What kind of action scenes do you prefer to watch?
- Lots of Explosions
- Fist Fights
- Sword Fights
- Martial Arts Fights
- Car Chases
- Gun Fights

5)What type of music do you feel builds suspense the best and why?(If you don't know the name of the genre, describe it as best as you can)

6) What are your top 5 favorite films and what characteristics made you enjoy them?

7) Thriller / Horror movies are scarier in the night rather than the day, do you agree or disagree?

8) Do you believe that conversations between a protagonist and antagonist can be effective to build suspense?

9)What do you expect to see (generally) in the first 2 minutes of a horror film?

10) Do you like to see a lot of character development in opening scenes  / sequences?

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