Monday 8 February 2016




In the busy streets of London, a man wears casual clothing as well as a baseball cap that conceals his face. He stands outside the shop as he cautiously looks around before entering the newsagents.

                                                                  CUT TO:

The man browses through the shop and stays in one place with his back towards the shopkeeper.

The Butcher
How’s business?

An Asian man, aged 20 looks towards The Butcher and has a smile on his face as he shuts his newspaper and places it to the side.

A bit empty today but business will pick up

The Butcher simply just smiles as he takes off his baseball cap, revealing his face. He is a young oriental man that usually looks calm. The shopkeeper looks up at the mirror and sees K’s face. The shopkeeper narrows his eyes as he slowly recognises him. The shopkeeper turns back and sees the wanted poster with a description of The Butcher. The shopkeeper reaches for the phone as he notices this from the mirror.

The Butcher
Who are you calling?

The shopkeeper freezes as he hesitates, hand hovering over the phone. The Butcher lifts his head up, showing grimace, which turns into a smile


The Butcher
Calling family while on the job? A bit disrespectful don’t you think?

What’s it to you?

The Butcher
What’s it to me?

The Butcher laughs a bit as he turns around to face the Shopkeeper, with a little smile on his face that the Shopkeeper finds a bit unnerving.

The Butcher
It’s my business because you’re trying to contact the local authorities aren’t you?

The Shopkeeper trembles a bit as he moves his hand away from his phone. The shopkeeper starts to sweat from nervousness as he starts to stutter when speaking.

N-No I’m not. I swear.

The Butcher
You’re trembling. You’re perspiring at an uncontrollable rate. My assumption is that your heart rate is going faster and faster at this very moment.

The Butcher ominously walks towards the Shopkeeper

Oh imagine how much faster your heart beats when I cut it out of your chest.

The Butcher now reaches the counter where he takes out a coin and flips it. The Butcher does not show the result of the coin yet.
The Butcher
Call it
The Shopkeeper
I don’t know what I’m calling for.
The Butcher
Don’t play dumb with me, you know full well who I am and what I’m capable of. Everything you’ve done in your life has been leading you up to this moment. The biggest gamble of your life. Everything to gain and everything to lose now call it.
The Shopkeeper
The Butcher moves his hands, showing the coin. The coin shows tails as The Butcher smirks and the Shopkeeper breaths out a sigh of relief.
The Butcher
You win
The Butcher then leaves the shop. As the door closes the screen goes black as the TITLES appear on the screen.

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